Biyernes, Agosto 31, 2012

Save the environment by using paper bags

Save the Environment by using paper bags.

Now a days the world experiencing problems such as pollution, natural resources run out or degraded, populations growth outstripping resources worldwide and the most common problem experience in the world is flooding. Flooding is the main problem experience in the world today specially in my country Philippines. Philippines experience many trials that faces by my fellow Filipinos, and the most rampant is flooding, flooding in the Philippines caused many problems in the country. Philippines and the Filipino people have mourn for their love once that being victims of flooding in the country. They have so questions in mind why those tragedy happened in this country. Many answers pop-up but the only reason that strikes the mind and heart of my fellow Filipinos which is flooding due to improper disposal of wastes and clogged drainage system. Clogging of drainage system cause by plastics bags, wastes that are not biodegradable.This plastics bags and other wastes materials is the major cause of flooding in the country. They blocked the drainage and pollute the rivers, lakes , and seas.

To avoid this traumatic events that happened in our country some cities in the Philippines strictly imposed the non-using of plastics bags in all kind of stores in a particular city. This city ordinance for me would really help to lessen the plastic waste clogging the drainage systems, plastics floating in the seas and rivers. Using of paper bags in the market and using it in all kind of storage would really help to protect the environment. Having this kind of system strictly implemented trough out the country will lessen the pollution that caused by plastics bags. 

Avoiding to use plastics bags and obliging Filipinos to use paper bags in not easy because we already  got used to, but if we continue to practice to use paper bags and going back to the past that our past generations used the "Bayongs". Using those kind of toll in our daily activity would lessen the problems that face our country. Lets help one another to protect the environment and protect the love of our lives from that past event we encounter such as flash floods.


1 komento:


    Your views are very nice. I'm glad that you have wide awareness about the said issue.

    Thanks for submitting before the deadline. Carry on!ツ

    GRADE: 93%
